Saturday I go up around 8 to go the the school and give a conversation class. I was supposed to go with Alex, but as I was getting ready he asked me if it would be ok if I went by myself and also asked me to give his, I grabbed a taxi and a van and headed to school. Conversation class was easy, although since most people are on vacation not many students came. Then I gave Alex's class...without any preparation...the poor students probably learned nothing during those 2 hours, haha. Ah well.
After class, around 2, I took the can back to Niteroi and headed to Dani's house for a barbecue celebrating her mother's birthday. I stayed there until about 7 or so, just sitting and eating and relaxing. After that I headed back to Alex's house. I went with Betty, the girls, Karen and Livia, and their neighbor Dani and her kids to the shopping mall to watch Shrek....we were going to see the 10:00 movie, but it was sold out...soooooooooo they decided to stay until the midnight showing. We did some shopping and then got food. There is this restaurant called Beluga that specializes in do I describe it? It's like a giant cake of hash browns, except in the center there can be anything you, meat, cheese, veggies....and oh. my. goodness. it is delicious.
So, we went to the movie, which was funny, I admit, although I haven't even seen all of the Shrek movies. By the time it got done it was 2 am, and we raced the clock to get out of the parking garage before the clock ticked past 2 and added more money to our ticket, haha.
I went to bed when we got home, but the others syated up a little longer...I had great intentions of going to church in the morning, but alas I, along with the girls, slept until...well, very late on Sunday. By the time I woke up Betty had already gone to church, come back and was already back in bed. We finally all were awake and up around 2, and Karen and I went to get some lunch. After eating, I donned my running clothes and I ran while Karen rode her bike.
Later Alex and Livia came out also with the dog. It was late afternoon and the sun was low over the was beautiful...and felt awesome. After getting back to the house, we got ready for church, where I ran into another old friend of mine. We got home from church close to 10pm, ordered pizza, and I went to bed early (12:30). This morning I slept in but was awakened by the sound of be specific, there was a guy knocking out a wall in the apartment...I was like, um, what is happening here?? Alex decided to put a new door in the wall of the apartment, and the worker guy was smashing away at the wall. There is now a giant hole in the wall outside of Livia's bedroom, where I'm sleeping.
I went out to get more credit for my cellphone and ran into Tia Dani (neighbor) and her daughter Marianna. I went up to there house for a little while before we all headed out to do some shopping. I wanted to by some boots from a shop down the street..I ended up falling in love with some at another shop. Also fell in love with some shoes and bought some workout clothes...Brasileira style. Yes, today I gave in and bought shoes. I did. Here is the proof.